Friday, November 23, 2012

An Introduction

I have contemplated the creation of this for some time now and I am finally going forward with it. There have been recent events that have brought my religion and beliefs into the spotlight. With this has brought many questions, jokes, and persecutions of my faith. Often I have been quiet, not wanting to offend others and not wanting myself to be offended. However, a recent talk by Jeffery R. Holland has made me reconsider my “quiet” religion. He said, “You never 'check your religion at the door',” (1) So, in response to people being open about their beliefs and ideas, I will be open about my own.

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I'm what many people would call a Mormon. I'm not an expert in the beliefs of this church, but I am an active member. I served two years as a missionary in Brazil for my church. As you may read in later entries, it was a rich and rewarding experience and has shaped my life and beliefs to this day. Talking about my church came easily to me then, a trait I wish I had today.

It's frustrating to me that so much of my beliefs as a Christian, and a Mormon, are so often misunderstood. This was something I saw both in Brazil, and here at home. It is my hope that with this blog, in some small way, can alleviate some of the questions and misunderstanding about my faith and religion. Keep in mind, most of the stuff that will be in this blog reflect my opinion more and may not be doctrine of The Church. Most of what I will post is based upon my understanding and I can be wrong. I will do my best at citing sources and backing up my opinions.

If you have a complaint, correction, or ideas for future topics, you can e-mail me at (This is an old e-mail address that I don't really use for anything, so I decided to use it for correspondence to this blog. I only check it about once a week.) Or, you can just make a comment.


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